
Food and Fertility

Jan 31, 2024
What you should know.

There has been a surge in interest regarding the impact of food intake on fertility.

Various claims, such as the delay in pregnancy due to increased fast food consumption and improved fertility with more fruit intake, have circulated in newspapers, television, and medical journals.

While acknowledging the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and exercise, we caution against extreme measures in pursuing conception.

Decades of knowledge indicate that excessive weight, particularly obesity, negatively affects in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes.

We question popular beliefs about the adverse effects of coffee and alcohol on fertility. Drawing attention to cultural practices in places like Spain and Italy, where wine consumption is routine, we challenge the notion that such habits impede fertility.

Emphasizing the absence of data supporting claims against these cultural practices, we advise caution in accepting all information, even from medical journals.

Ultimately, the message is clear: live a healthy life, but don't let fertility concerns dictate extreme lifestyle changes.

We advise against unnecessary dietary restrictions unless medically necessary.

Stressing the importance of enjoying life, we encourage those undergoing fertility treatments to maintain their everyday routines, emphasizing that unnecessary lifestyle changes can raise stress levels without contributing significantly to conception.

The advice is to live healthily, follow medical guidance, and be cautious about unquestioningly adopting dietary advice.